Safeguard Your Home This Christmas with Fire Safety Tips from Ironmongery Experts
The recent cold snap has already seen several parts of the UK affected by snowy conditions and freezing temperatures, giving a small sample of the bitter winter ahead. Whether you relish the oncoming frost or would much rather hibernate for the next few months, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding fire safety.
Firstly, like most people you’re probably going to use central heating when it really gets chilly. Alternatives can be more energy efficient, like electric heaters and wood burners, but no matter which method you use to heat your property, it’s important to be aware of the increased fire risk associated with the colder months of the year; a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts can be found on the National Fire Protection Association website, since fire safety should always be taken seriously.

The kitchen can be hazardous too, so ensure you don’t attempt to cook if you’re sleepy or if you’ve had a little too much to drink – you’ll be putting your family’s wellbeing at risk if you doze off or forget about the stove. You can find even more fire safety tips on if you’d like to research the topic in more detail.
An effective method of safeguarding yourself in the event of a fire is through the use of Dorgard fire door retainers from Ironmongery Experts. Designed to automatically close the door they’re connected to upon the activation of the smoke alarm, these easy to install devices have contributed to the preservation of many lives since their conception. Since they’re battery operated, they won’t fail even if there’s a power outage, and they’re sturdy enough to continue functioning through heat, cold and moisture.
Give your family the greatest gift of all this Christmas – security and peace of mind.