Things I Learnt In October
Ok... so here we go with everything that I learnt in October. Feel free to share your own learning experiences in the comments.
If you share a lovely upbeat and slightly funny video on Facebook then one of your childhood heroes (in this instance it was Doris Pearson from Five Star) might 'like' it and comment on it.
Those posts you wrote about Back To The Future five years ago [BTTF1 | BTTF2] will come in useful one day. That day happened to be #futureday - 21st October 2015. Still no bloody hoverboard though...
If you stay true to yourself and your blog you could get noticed and mentioned alongside a bunch of much younger, cleverer and more successful bloggers (and very famous vloggers). And that's lovely and gives you a much needed boost.
Choosing Christmas presents for those "difficult to buy for" people just got a whole lot easier with and their subscription service, You might want to check out their Hub too as there's some great *cough*mine*cough* articles on there. *this includes an affiliate link*
Friends will always help you almost solve a mystery especially when they have access to ancestry records. And as I have the next week off work, I'm considering contacting the Museum of Wimbledon to see if they want the postcard in question for their records. What do you think?
[Here is the running section...]

Safety pins are so passé. RunClips are the new way to pin your race number to your shirt (I might be slightly behind the times with this but y'know... running and all that)!
[Here endeth the running section. It was very short this month.]
If you have a bit of spare cash, you should treat yourself to an Amazon voucher and add it to your own account. That way, when you see a new book that would look great on your Kindle you surprise yourself by having the money ready and waiting for it. You can swap 'book' out for any treat that suits your fancy.
Dressing up at work to raise money for charity feels very much like World Book Day for adults... but without the books. I frigging hate dressing up.
My Video Of The Month stars... ME! I was asked by Hotter Shoes to show how I'd style their Loretta scarf so I teamed it up with my classic mac, a pair of black skinny jeans and the Briony riding boots - also from Hotter - and demonstrated three ways I like to wear my scarf in the Autumn/Winter months.
Next month I will include the story of the doppleganger. Apparently everyone has a 'twin stranger' and I'm no exception. More on this story as it develops but you can hop on over to Facebook to have a quick look at this video that a friend shared on my timeline. It's caused quite a stir and I'm trying to get in touch with the girl in the video.
So it's over to you again. What did you learn this month?