Race For Life - And This Time I Really Am RUNNING It!
Another year, another Race For Life.
I don't mean that to sound as flippant as it does but I enjoy this event so much. It's emotional (for many reasons), it's an opportunity to push myself outside of my personal boundaries and it's all for a charity I wholeheartedly support.

Every year I run for my daughter. My own little cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 14 months old and has continued to amaze and surprise us with the way in which she defied all medical expectations after her intensive chemotherapy. Of course, as each year passes (it's 23 years since her treatment now) the memories fade a little but medicine advances in way which we never thought possible. Cancer has touched our lives in other ways too. My father-in-law was sadly beaten by Mesothelioma sixteen years ago and my aunt had a mastectomy after breast cancer approximately 20 years ago. This is why I need the Race For Life as a constant reminder of what can be achieved with research. Research that needs funding.
This year, I am extremely grateful to Brioche Pasquier for supporting myself and Rachel as we enter the Race For Life. They have funded both our entry fees and they will be making a donation on my Just Giving page to help us towards this year's target of £250.
This year I'll actually be running the Race For Life (what was that... another mention for my running journey... #notsorry) on Wednesday 24th June in Blackburn and this is also where you come in - again. If you can, please donate via our Just Giving page. Even just the smallest amount helps and will make a difference. If you would like to donate via text then you can also do that by following the instructions below. Keep an eye on the blog for an update after the event on Wednesday too!
P.S. Brioche Pasquier also sent us some of their amazing pan au chocolat to try out (probably to help us 'carb up' before the race). It didn't really touch the sides and it's now my new favourite snack. I need MORE!