Merging My Filofax And Bullet Journal
You may have heard (after me mentioning it many many times) that I scored a bargain Filofax on Ebay recently. A whole £11 for a beautiful, brand new, leather Kingston Personal Filofax that is perfect in every way. I think I have found my lifetime planner. However, much of that feeling comes from finding a way to incorporate my bullet journal in with the reason(s) I use a Filofax. Have a little watch of this video to see why I feel like that.
You might also like this Google Hangout that I hosted on Thursday evening in which myself, +Elizabeth Locke, +Sally Todd and +Kat Williamson talked about our own bullet journals, how they are working for us and a few hints and tips.
How are you getting on with your planning system? Are you happy with what you have, forever changing (a bit like me) to keep things interesting or still looking for planner perfection? Let me know.