Soundtrack To My Life - Yvonne
Yvonne has been patiently waiting in the Soundtrack To My Life wings for a while. Her foodie blog isn't your usual read as it incorporates interviews, family history alongside plenty of cooking chat. When you read Yvonne's choices and stories, imagine them told as I do, with a Southern drawl. She's also got a great tenuous connection to one of the singers in her choices.
Call in at Olive's Place and settle down in a comfortable homely place where there's plenty of cooking and family history. You can also keep in touch on Facebook or follow Yvonne/Olive on Twitter as @biotales.
If you want to join in with Soundtrack To My Life you can complete this form and I'll be in touch when your feature is due to go live. Click on the mix-tape to the right to read all the "Soundtrack To My Life" entries.
Hank Williams - Your Cheatin' Heart and Elvis Presley - I want to be your Teddy Bear
I shared a room with my older sister in the fifties. Hank Williams, the father of modern music had only been dead by a few years. Elvis Presley just hit the scene. She had both of their photos hanging in our room. I wrote once: "Somewhere between Hank and Elvis you will find me standing there, lost between the pages of time..."Billie Holiday - God Bless the Child
Back in the time you decorated your home, particularly the living/sitting room around the radio. You had to place it in the right spot to stop all the static. Also it would be able to pick up the Grand Ole Opry on a clear Saturday night. My older sister and I had to stay home and do some chores while my mother and the other kids went into town. I was a curious child by my nature and was strictly told by my mother NOT to touch the radio. Well, hehehe I did. It took me some time to get up the courage, and against my sisters wishes I moved the dial over to the next number. I will never forget the thrill of hearing her voice. I will also never forget the look on my mothers face when she walked in the door. I remembered not to touch that damn dial every time I sat... hehehePatsy Cline - I Fall to Pieces
The song was written by Harlan Howard whom I met and became friends with years later as a journalist. Patsy Cline was special to me.. you see she is a home town girl... We are both from the same side of the mountains. She was born in Gore, VA and I was born in Whitepost, VA... We do not know her as Patsy, she is just Ginny to us... she made me realize that yes I could be whatever I wanted to be.Buddy Holly - That Will be the Day
A decent prelude to the invasion of a British group called "The Beatles" Buddy, really brought it all home in the rock and roll early days, far more to me than that Elvis fellow. The Beatles finished it off with "In My Life" you see after that it was Jimi Hendrix, he was not bad but I was not an all out fan of his. Music changed to fast, and I was to busy with history.Queen - We Are the Champions
I was living in Germany at that time and gave birth to my son. I was not supposed to have children so when that song was released it became something special. That song went on to be one of their greatest and my son, well he is my greatest.¨¨°º©©º°¨¨

If you want to join in with Soundtrack To My Life you can complete this form and I'll be in touch when your feature is due to go live. Click on the mix-tape to the right to read all the "Soundtrack To My Life" entries.