Soundtrack To My Life - Hollie

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(Although he was a total twat, in retrospect.)
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Frank Sinatra - How About You
I grew up with my dad's music of choice crackling on the turntable in the background. He was into the genre they call 'Easy Listening': Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee. This Sinatra song is one of his best. I loved it then and I loved it now.(popout :
David Bowie - Fill Your Heart
I used to play my brother's Hunky Dory LP all the time when he wasn't looking. Later I bought my own copy. Then I had it on CD. Now I've got it on my iPod. So this song has been on my life soundtrack for decades. It's not that it resonates for me, necessarily. It's just a fecking wonderful song.(popout :
Fat Larry's Band - Zoom
Best slow dance of my life.(Although he was a total twat, in retrospect.)
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Ben Folds Five - Battle Of Who Could Care Less
Nightmare having to select just one Ben Folds Five song - they've all been on a permanent loop for me since the late1990s - but as this was the one that brought them to my attention in the first place, and as it proved a very relevant soundtrack to the long, messy end of a significant relationship: this one.(popout :
Emotions - Best Of My Love
Because disco rules. Always has, always will.(popout :
Hollie's books are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format and her new book - First Time Mum: Surviving And Enjoying Your Baby's First Year - is out NOW!. You can also find Hollie on Twitter as @holliemsmith41 and she writes a self-titled blog too.
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If you want to join in with Soundtrack To My Life you can complete this form and I'll be in touch when your feature is due to go live. Click on the mix-tape to the right to read all the "Soundtrack To My Life" entries.