What's in my handbag - Part 2
I am currently changing handbags. Again! Simply because when a Kate Benjamin handbag arrives from the 'vintage glamour' section of Accessories Direct, in it's own dust bag, wafting that gorgeous smell of leather around, you just have to indulge! I have an unnecessary obsession with handbags and shoes, but at least they are always guaranteed to fit!
I've been using a two-tier system since I last gave you a sneak peek into handbag. I use my large, purple MiaTui bag as a work bag and a much smaller red bag (charity shop bargain) as an every day bag. I managed to streamline the contents somewhat and have got used to just having the essentials (and a bit of emergency bronzer) but the red bag was always just a tad too small - I had to squeeze my personal Filofax in and struggled to close the clasp. But look! I haven't changed my Filofax for a while... hhmm... I wonder...

So at the moment, I'm carrying the afore-mentioned Filofax, the world's worst designed purse that spills coins out of the side but holds all the plastic cards I seem to accumulate, a small mirror, emergency bronzer, make-up brush, lipstick and lip gloss, a broken nail file, painkillers, a comb, a spare pen, lip balm, a small pack of tissues, two sets of keys (house and car) and a pack of polos. I have also added my sunglasses (rare early morning/late evening sun when driving to work is a bit of a nightmare) and some anti-bac handwash. My mobile phone should be in there too but I'm obviously taking the picture with it! The only problem now is that there is LOADS of room in the new bag so I'll have to try and not fill it with "stuff". Plus, it's such a classic shape that it's going to be a favourite for a long time.

So at the moment, I'm carrying the afore-mentioned Filofax, the world's worst designed purse that spills coins out of the side but holds all the plastic cards I seem to accumulate, a small mirror, emergency bronzer, make-up brush, lipstick and lip gloss, a broken nail file, painkillers, a comb, a spare pen, lip balm, a small pack of tissues, two sets of keys (house and car) and a pack of polos. I have also added my sunglasses (rare early morning/late evening sun when driving to work is a bit of a nightmare) and some anti-bac handwash. My mobile phone should be in there too but I'm obviously taking the picture with it! The only problem now is that there is LOADS of room in the new bag so I'll have to try and not fill it with "stuff". Plus, it's such a classic shape that it's going to be a favourite for a long time.
PS. If you use discount code 'FESTIVE' at checkout on the Accessories Direct website
you can get a massive 20% off your Christmas order until 9th December
you can get a massive 20% off your Christmas order until 9th December
PPS. If anyone is stuck for ideas for Christmas presents for me
I love this bangle on the Accessories Direct website too.
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