Competitions on blogs : should we charge to host them?
Since I renamed and relaunched this blog a couple of years ago, I have had some fantastic opportunities with plenty of learning curves
along the way. I believe that I am
accountable for the content I hold on my blog space and that is an enormous
responsibility. Apart from the
occasional featured post (clearly marked, paid-for content), everything on my blog is my own
work, my own ideas, my own experiences.
That is what makes it individual.
If you are a regular reader you will know that I occasionally host a giveaway or a competition. Some of my readers have been the recipients of great prizes. I enjoy the interaction between brand representatives (a.k.a. PR's) and myself and I wholly believe that PR's
contact me because I work hard at my blog and I reach a wide and diverse audience. Social media networking plays a large part too. I also know that they find me through the
number of ‘charts’ that use rankings – namely the Tots100, Wikio and the
original Britmums Klout list. I receive an enormous amount of offers and press releases each week and
choose to work with the brands that I feel fit in well with me, my family and
the readers on my blog. I spend time filtering through the offers and I reply to almost every email I receive
(but not the press releases) even if it is to say something on the lines of “thanks but no thanks, however
please keep me on your mailing list”.
What is becoming a popular
pitch is ‘an amazing opportunity to run a competition’. I always request the product to review or
offer my media pack which details any charges for featured posts. The return email from the PR is almost always
that they have no budget to pay for featuring their content and they only have
the prizes available for the competition but believe my blog would benefit from
increased traffic.
It may be worth remembering
that the PR contacting me is being paid for their time already. These PR's appear to value my status but not
my time and effort.
What you decide to publish
on your blog is most definitely your decision and you may want a traffic boost. Sure, some competition entrants may stick around and become engaged in my content but let's look at it another way. For the
grand sum of £0.00 the PR would like me to write a couple of hundred words
(sometimes more), organise and moderate a competition over a period of time, fairly and legally pick
a winner, notify the winner, handle sensitive data such as personal email addresses and delivery
addresses and be the buffer between winner and PR if the prize doesn’t arrive
when promised. All for the privilege of
increased traffic which, if the competition proves to be popular, could
actually cause my blog to crash as there is a limit to the bandwidth provided. It would then be up to me to pay my webhost
more money for more bandwidth.
PR’s that do catch my
attention are those that think outside of the box a little bit. Maybe set me a challenge or know that I have teenage
children and grandchildren (and don’t
even get me started on the ones that haven’t bothered to read my “About Me”
page where it details that I live in the North West of England and I work full
time – no, I can’t attend a 1.5 hour event in London in four days time!). The PR's that respect the time and energy that goes into the commercial side of blogging are the ones that I don't mind going the extra mile for. I might promote something on my Facebook page or Twitter account for them - these places are an extension of me and my blog, after all.
Making my blog slightly commercial was a difficult decision for
me to make and I am always reassessing the way in which I present review posts
or featured content including creating a disclosure policy that is fair to
myself, the brands and my readers. I
want people to read my blog because I provide interesting content with the occasional perk of winning a prize or finding a new product that I recommend (or not - not all reviews are positive). I want
them to return because they like my ‘voice” and I want them to recommend it to
their friends.
Who is providing the guidelines for this very new way in content
promotion? Do the PR’s think that we, as a collective of bloggers, have a general set of guidelines already agreed? Have we been given the full legal information
about running competitions on our blog?
What about promotion on social media platforms?
Who is there to manage any problems should it all go wrong?
Who is there to manage any problems should it all go wrong?