Contemplating my belly button

Omphaloskepsis - there's a word for you!!

I have been a bit preoccupied with 'other things' over the past few days and when I'm under pressure I always seem to become a bit introverted - classic signs of navel-gazing.  Busy at work, busy at home, studying (two assignments submitted in 8 days), trying to organise some house refurbishment, bitch, lover, sister, mother... and all the while I've not been as active with my writing, social networking or nattering on my favourite fourm.  I feel a bit lost and worn out but hopefully, now that the intense pressure of assignment deadlines is over (well, for four weeks, anyway), my mojo will return.

On the plus side, we had Sky+HD installed today (upgrade) and I'm mightily impressed with the record/fast forward/rewind facility.  It's like I've discovered gravity or something.